Friday 12 April 2013

Putting time to Good Use

While putting yet more sleeplessness last night to good use by doing a little tidying and a lot of searching for Ginger recordings, i'd give an awful lot of my Ginger Collection to hear the Conoco Listener's Hour with Ginger singing the hits from Girl Crazy circa 1931, its been on ebay a couple of times, come on who bought it?!!! While i didn't find that i did come accross a few Fred and Ginger pics i hadn't seen before (and these seem to be getting rarer!)


  1. If you are going to give away a lot of your collection, maybe you should get to keep, and not just listen to, the Conoco Listener's Hour! I'll keep my eyes open for it too and let you know. Was the Barkley's above a new one to you? I thought you'd seen them all!

    1. i thought i'd seen them all too! i like it when others appear! i think most of my collection is photographs and records and generally Ginger and Fred.. at least it being on ebay in the last 10 years is a glimmer of hope right?!

  2. ...wish I could help ya out, Kat...honestly, it's been at least a year since I've done any eBay stuff...

    I do need to get 'caught up' with some of the radio stuff...I have a bit, but haven't really goine thru it all...

    hope you have a great weekend, Kat!!!


