Monday 17 September 2012

The Wonders of Insomnia

I'm sure Insomnia has no real wonder haha but while i was unable to sleep last night i went hunting through google images on the off chance of finding some 'new' Fred and Ginger photos and came away pretty pleased (even more so because i didn't visit ebay once!)

Getting steadily colder over here which isn't doing much for me, but Ginger and Fred are still making me smile so thats a plus :) Hope everyone else is good!!


  1. My oh my, my fine feathered friend, those are some nice pics. I guess there is a good side to everything including insomnia

  2. good stuff, Kat!!! I really need to get rolling on the 'filmblogs' so I can stash these pics in them... well, if that's OK with you, that is...

    BTW...although the end result of your sleeplessness yielded awesome more Red Bull for you!!! Read a building code manual...if that doesn't zonk you out, you're a hopeless case! :-]



    1. All photos put up to share so no probs using them on the film blogs :)

      Red Bull :O that stuff is vile!! If it wasn't for needing to hear the alarm in the morning for the school run i'd stick my headphones in and let Fred and Ginger send me to sleep, that has worked pretty well in the past!

  3. heh heh... honestly, I've never even TRIED a 'red bull', so I'll take your word for it and bypass it altogether for Diet Mountain Dew... my poison of choice...

    I'm starting up these blogs soon...promise!

